Welcome to Cape Whale Coast!
The Cape Whale Coast offers acces to a destination that would appeal to jus about every eco and advnture loving traveller in the world. Located in the Overstrand within the Overberg district, it is a 60-90 minute drive from Cape town. Just outside Gordon's Bay is the start of Clarence Drive ( the R44 ), a dramatically carved road in between the base of the Hottentots-Holland mountains and the crashing waves of False Bay. The road is one of the most scenic drives in South Africa. It cuts through the Kogelberg Biosphere reserve, recognised by UNESCO for the diversity of its fynbos vegetation and shoots past Pringle Bay, Betty's Bay and Kleinmond to Hermanus, Standord and Gansbaai.

Our house is just off Clarence drive and around the corner of Stoney Point where you can see and even sit with the penquins of the famous Jackass colony. It is one of only two mainland breeding colonies of African Penquins and the wooden boardwalks allow visitors to get really close to a variety of coastal birds. all five South African cormorant species can be foun here including the treatened Bank, Cape and Crowned Cormorants. African Black Oystercatcher, Kittlitz's and White-fronted Plovers.